
Getting Started

Installing on Windows

To install GoGrinder on Windows, use the latest installer. If you do not have the correct version of Java installed, GoGrinder will complain, and give you a link where you can download it.

Installing on other operating systems

GoGrinder requires Java version 1.4.2 or higher, so install it before installing GoGrinder.

If you are installing GoGrinder for the first time, unzip the full install zip file into a directory.

If you are upgrading, do not download the full install - this will overwrite your grind.dat file, and you will lose your settings. Instead, download and unzip the upgrade file.

To run GoGrinder, go to the install directory, and execute the following command:

java -jar GoGrinder.jar

It's important that the current directory be set to the GoGrinder directory, or the program will not be able to find the problem collections and other data files. Some Linux distributions will not set the current directory correctly if you simply double-click the jar file to execute it.

Solving Problems

When you run GoGrinder for the first time, one of the problems that is installed with the program will be displayed. To begin solving problems, just click at the location on the board where you want to play. The indicator on the right will let you know whether you've gotten the problem right or not. When you get a problem right, GoGrinder will automatically advance to the next problem. You can change this behavior in the Preferences dialog. You can also right-click to go to the next problem, or use the keyboard shortcuts: Z (or comma) and X (or period) for previous and next.

You can use the buttons on the right to navigate within the problem. Restart will take you back to the beginning, and Back will move back to your previous move. Navigate Solution will display right and wrong variations as red and green dots on the board, and will let you play out any variations that aren't in the problem file, too. After choosing Navigate Solution, you won't get credit for the problem. You can still get the problem right after using Back or Restart, but only if you haven't deviated from the correct path. Once you make a wrong move, you will not receive credit for getting the problem right.

When you shut GoGrinder down, it will keep track of where you are in the currently selected set of problems, and will pick up where you left off next time you run it.

Main Window

Select Problems

See Selecting Problems

Open File

Opens a GoGrinder state file. See "Save Progress", below.

Save Progress

This can be used to save your progress through a set of problems. The problems you have selected, the sort order, and your current progress through the set are saved. Note that you do not need to do this when closing the program - GoGrinder will pick up where you left off automatically. This is mainly useful when you are halfway through a set of problems, and you want to go work on a different set and come back to the current set later.

Edit Current Problem

Edits the current problem in an external SGF editor. The SGF editor is configured in the Preferences dialog.

Previous Problem

Takes you back to the previous problem. This will not affect your stats on the current problem - it will not count as right or wrong, as long as you haven't made any wrong moves yet. You can also go to the previous problem by pressing Z or comma on the keyboard.

Next Problem

Takes you to the next problem. This will not affect your stats on the current problem - it will not count as right or wrong, as long as you haven't made any wrong moves yet. You can also go to the next problem by right-clicking, or by pressing X or . on the keyboard.

Find Problem

Allows you to find a problem by entering part of its name. This is useful for jumping to a certain problem in the currently selected list of problems.

Auto Advance

If activated, the next problem will automatically be displayed when you find a correct solution. You can also advance to the next problem by right-clicking on the board, or use the keyboard shortcuts: Z (or comma) and X (or period) for previous and next.


See Preferences

Split SGF File

Sometimes SGF files will contain many game records/problems. To use these files with GoGrinder, you need to split them up so that each file contains one problem. To do this, choose "Split SGF File", select the file to split, and then select the directory where you want the individual files to be placed - probably somewhere inside of the GoGrinder/problems directory.

Import Problems

Imports problems that have been exported from GoGrinder. This imports the SGF files and any tags that have been associated with the problems. If a different version of the problem already exists in your collection, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite the existing problem. If the problem exists, and you continue with the import, the tags from the import file will be merged with the tags on the existing copy.


Displays version and license information.


Displays this document.


Restarts the current problem. This will not count as getting the problem wrong, as long as you haven't made any wrong moves yet.


Takes back your latest move. This will not count as getting the problem wrong, as long as you haven't made any wrong moves yet. You can also go back by using the mousewheel.

Navigate Solution

Displays all of the variations in the problem. Moves on the correct path are marked with green dots, bad moves that have refutations are marked with red. While navigating the solution, you can also play out variations that are not included in the problem file. Choosing this option means that you can no longer get credit for solving the problem.


Displays how many of the currently selected problems you have attempted, and what percentage you have answered correctly.


Tags are a way of organizing your problem collection. You can apply tags to certain problems, and then search for problems by the tags they are associated with. "Apply tag..." allows you to associate a tag with the current problem, and you can choose "New Tag..." from the drop-down to create a new tag. The list box shows tags that are associated with the current problem, and the Remove button allows you to remove tags from the current problem.

Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the main window displays the filename for the current problem.

Selecting Problems

To select problems, click the Select Problems button on the toolbar of the main window. All of your problem collections will be displayed, and you will be able to choose the collections you want to work on, and filter and sort the problems in various ways.


Allows you to select one or more collections of problems.

Apply Tag

Applies a tag to every problem in the currently selected collections.

Reset Stats

Resets statistics on every problem in the currently selected collections. This does not affect tags, but resets # of attempts, # of times correct, and average time.

High Scores

Displays the high scores for the selected collection. The high scores are ranked by % correct, and then by average time per problem. Whenever you attempt every problem in a collection without changing your selection in the middle, you are eligible for a high score. You can also get a high score for a higher-level collection that contains multiple folders, by selecting the higher-level collection, and working through all of its problems. Your progress through a collection is saved between sessions, so you don't have to solve all of the problems in a collection in one sitting to get a high score.


Allows you to filter the selected problems by their associated tags. You can select one or more tags from the list, and they are used to filter the problems as specified in the Match combo box.


Removes the selected tags from all of your problems.


You have three choices: All Tags means only problems associated with all of the selected tags will be chosen, Any Tags means problems associated with any of the selected tags will be chosen, and No Tags means only problems that are not associated with any of the selected tags are chosen.


Allows you to export the currently selected problems to file. This file can then be imported by another GoGrinder user. The export file contains the problem SGF files and associated tags. Statistics and high scores are not exported.


Finalizes the problem selection. This resets the statistics for the selected problems, and lets you start solving problems.


Cancels the problem selection. The current selection remains as it was before the selection dialog opened, and statistics are not reset.


Automatically advance to next problem

When checked, the next problem will automatically be displayed when you find a correct solution. You can also advance to the next problem by right-clicking on the board, or use the keyboard shortcuts: Z (or comma) and X (or period) for previous and next.

Randomly rotate/flip problems

When checked, GoGrinder randomly changes the orientation of the problems on the board. This may make the comments in some problems confusing.

Randomly swap colors

When checked, GoGrinder randomly swaps the colors of the problems. This also changes all occurrences of the words "white" and "black" in the problem's comments.

Display transparent stone at cursor position

When checked, a transparent stone is displayed on the board at the cursor position.

Display 'Failed' at first mistake

When checked, the status area will change to 'Failed' as soon as you make a wrong move. Otherwise, it will only change when you reach the end of a wrong variation.

Enable stone sound

Turns on/off the sound of the stone hitting the board.

Enable right/wrong sounds

Turns on/off the sounds that are played when you get a problem right or wrong.

SGF Editor

Selects an external SGF editor for editing problems.

Check for newer version at startup

If this is checked, GoGrinder will let you know when a new version is available.

Proxy Settings

These settings are used to check for a new version of GoGrinder. If you use a proxy to connect to the internet, enter your settings here.

File Format

Problems for GoGrinder should be stored in SGF format. There are two ways of indicating which moves are correct. The first is to put either "RIGHT" or "CORRECT" somewhere in the comment of the correct node. This is the format used at All paths that do not lead to a node with one of these comments are considered incorrect. The words "RIGHT", "CORRECT", and "CHOICE" will not be displayed in the comment area. The other way is used if there are none of these comments in the file. In this case all moves in the file are considered correct, unless the variation is marked with the non-standard SGF tag WV[], or the stone that was just played is marked with a triangle.



Uninstalling in Windows

You can uninstall GoGrinder from the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Windows control panel, or from the icon in the GoGrinder program group. The uninstaller will not remove your problem collections or statistics. To completely remove GoGrinder, you will have to remove these by hand.

Uninstalling on other operating systems

Simply delete the directory where you installed GoGrinder. Logo